Issuing License for Foreign Fishing Vessels

Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation / April 18, 2018

Service Requirement

The following are the pre-requisites for applying License for Foreign Fishing Vessels.

(a)Applicant should present prior Granting Fisheries from Union Government or Ministry.

(b)Applicant must have an Agent Office in Myanmar.

(c)Applicant must form a joint venture enterprise in order to work for joint fishing business according to Myanmar Companies Law.

Required Documents

(a)Proposal for intended Fishery

(b)Agreement with the Department of Fisheries

Service Fees

Free of charge

Steps to Apply

(a)Request for Fishing vessels access to enter Myanmar Fisheries Waters must be submitted 2 weeks in advance

(b)To pay tax and license fees for permitted vessel, the vessel should undergo vessel inspection by Department of the Marine Administration

(c)The set of original Vessel registration issued from Department of the Marine Administration and a copy must be attached to apply Fishery Permission

(d)The license fees must be paid in foreign currency (USD). (License fees will be prescribed by the approval of the Union Government or the Ministry.)

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