DPM MoTC Union Minister provides cash, foodstuffs to staff of affiliated departments under ministry, inspects rehabilitation processes in Rakhine State

DPM MoTC Union Minister provides cash, foodstuffs to staff of affiliated departments under ministry, inspects rehabilitation processes in Rakhine State

Ministry of Information/ Naypyitaw / June 01, 2023

STATE Administration Council Member Deputy Prime Minister Union Minister for Transport and Communications Admiral Tin Aung San provided cash and foodstuffs to the departmental staff under the ministry who were affected Cyclone Mocha in Rakhine State and inspected the arrival of relief items at the jetties yesterday.

First, the Deputy Prime Minister attended the handover ceremony of cash assistance and relief items to the departmental staff under the ministry held at the briefing hall of Phaungtawgyi Jetty of Myanma Port Authority in Sittway Township.

During the ceremony, the Deputy Prime Minister talked about the damage to administrative buildings of departments and houses due to Cyclone Mocha, prioritized plans depending on the allocation of rescue and relief items and the purpose of providing current cash assistance.

On arrival at the Phaungtawgyi Jetty of Myanma Port Authority, he inspected the unloading work of materials for rehabilitation work from the Aquarius ship.

He also went to Sittway port together with Union Minister Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung and Rakhine State Chief Minister U Htein Lin and inspected the arrival of the naval vessel Myitkyina and gave instructions to distribute the items to the respective storm-affected areas systematically.

At noon, Deputy Prime Minister Admiral Tin Aung San, Union Minister Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung, Rakhine State Chief Minister U Htein Lin and Lt-Gen Phone Myat attended the coordination meeting on rehabilitation tasks held at the Rakhine State government office. The Ministry of Cooperatives and Rural Development distributes clean drinking water with mobile water purification trucks, Life Straw water purifiers and mobile solar-powered water purifiers in stormhit townships in Rakhine State.

The three mobile water trucks are allotted in Sittway township while two in Yathedaung, one in Minbya township and another three will be distributed each to Kyauktaw, Ponnagyun and MraukU townships.

These mobile water trucks purify 800 gallons per hour and a total of 285,500 gallons of clean water is distributed to townships, wards and villages between 16 and 31 May.

Similarly, a total of 210 Life Straw water purifiers each of which can purify about three gallons per hour are transported to 143 villages in Sittway, Ponnagyun, Yathedaung, Kyauktaw, Minbya, MraukU, Pauktaw, Buthidaung, Maungtaw and Myebon townships.

One water purifier can purify water for 100 people a day. Moreover, three solar-powered

mobile water purifiers purify water in the wards in Sittway Township and they clean about 300 gallons per hour. Moreover, another17 solar- powered mobile water purifiers will arrive soon and they will be transported to storm-hit areas.


Basic education schools will be opened on 1 June for the 2023-2024 academic year. The school enrolment week is from 23 to 31 May and a total of 374,904 students have been admitted to basic education schools, private schools and monastic schools (high, middle and primary) in 17 townships of Rakhine State to date. All high, middle and primary schools in Rakhine State will be opened on the same day.



January 4,