KNPLF celebrates 25 years of ceasefire in Loikaw

KNPLF celebrates 25 years of ceasefire in Loikaw

Ministry of Information/ Loikaw / May 10, 2019

THE 25th anniversary of the Karenni National People’s Liberation Front’s ceasefire agreement was commemorated at their headquarters in Pankan village, Loikaw, yesterday morning.


Firstly, dance troupes from nine different ethnic races performed combined dances to honour the 25th anniversary, and KNPLF Chairman U Tun Kyaw delivered the opening address.


Kayah State Chief Minister U L Phaung Sho then delivered a speech. He said we need to take the 21st Century Panlong, Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement route towards peace and ensure it is strengthened. He said he has heard leaders of ethnic armed organizations wishing for an end to armed conflicts. He said the people genuinely wish for peace and only then will there be socio-economic development.


The Chief Minister said there must be cooperation between every relevant organization, the Union Government and the people to truly establish peace. He said we must honour those who have strived for peace and expressed his joy at this commemoration. He urged everyone to work hand-in-hand to establish a democratic federal Union.


Next, Kayah State Democratic Party Chairman U Poe Ye gave an honorary speech. Following this, three peace co-ordinators; Catholic Bishop Sotay Rofama, Baptist Pastor Reverend Elisha, and U Myat San from Meisei Township conducted the honouring proceedings and explained the reason for it.


Afterwards, the three peace co-ordinators spoke words of gratitude and a civilian representative attendee gave suggestions concerning peace after which Central Committee member Comrade Rosina delivered the closing speech of gratitude.


Loikaw Thar




(Translated by Zaw Htet Oo)


Ref; The Global New Light of Myanmar

January 4,