Terrorists Blew up a Mytel Telecommunication Tower in Kyaukpadaung Township

Terrorists Blew up a Mytel Telecommunication Tower in Kyaukpadaung Township

Ministry of Home Affairs/ Naypyitaw / March 23, 2023

     Political extermist terrorists, who do not want the social deveplopment and stability of the country, have been carrying out terrorist acts by setting fire to and detonating both state-owned and private-owned telecommunication towers that were installed to facilitate telephone communication and information flow among the people.
    Since they are conducting such terrorist acts, on March 18 at 10:30 AM, according to the report indicated that the so-called PDF terrorist goup (total number – under scrutiny) blew up a Mytel telecommunication tower located near Sutat Village in Kyaukpadaung Township, Mandalay Region, security personnel went to the scene and conducted an inspection. According to the investigation, the terrorists detonated the tower by planting a homemade mine. As a result of the explosion, two AC/DA large wires (approximately 15 feet long) located under the System box, one Batttery box, one IPU box and one System box were damaged, causing communication to be interrupted, it is reported.
      It has been reported that the security forces are investigating the terrorists who blew up a Mytel telecommunication tower as soonest in order to be able to take effective action in accordance with laws.