Ministry of Border Affairs creates job opportunities by opening Hotel Servicing Training

Ministry of Border Affairs creates job opportunities by opening Hotel Servicing Training

Ministry of Border Affairs / September 26, 2018

     Hotel Servicing Trainings are being opened at Vocational Training Schools of Domestic Science for Women (Pathein and Pakokku) and any ones who are interested can apply.

Name of training    - Hotel Servicing Trainings

Places   - (1) Vocational Training School of Domestic Science for Women, Pakokku, Magway Region,                           Phone Number - 09 400301897

                  (2)     Vocational Training School of Domestic Science for Women, Pathein, Ayarwaddy Region,  

                             Phone Number - 09 428153547

Service charge       -        Free of charge

Training period      -        (3) months for theory, (3) months for practice, Total (6) months

Training subjects    -       

                           (1) Reception Service;

                                      (2) Bedroom Service;

                                      (3) Food and Beverages Services.

Job opportunities    -        Ministry of Border Affairs opens those trainings to promote Myanmar Tourism and get job opportunities by cooperating with stake holders such as Ministry of Hotel and Tourism, Luxembourg Agency for Development Cooperation, Myanmar Hotel and Tourism Proficient Association-MHPA and Hotel Entrepreneurs Association.

          -  Outstanding trainees from the trainings will be dispatched to Foreign Hotel Servicing Trainings and they will also be supported to attend NSSA (National Skills Standards Authority) Level 1 and they will be conferred ASEAN standard certificates and appointed at the worksites.