Effective rule of law to be enforced for benefit of the State, people : Myanmar Police Force

Effective rule of law to be enforced for benefit of the State, people : Myanmar Police Force

Ministry of Information/ Naypyitaw / March 08, 2021

As the Government is striving for the stability and security of the State, security forces continue to make effort to effectively enforce the rule of law for the benefit of the state and the people by taking effective action against anti-state activists supporting one person, one-party organization, according to the statement of the Myanmar Police Force. According to the statement, anti-government activists are using various methods to spread rumors in the media under the headline “Peaceful protest” in the country and are putting the young people to the forefront, as per the organizer behind it. Most people who do not want to see instability in the country have called the hotlines in their respective regions and states and requested to control the public universities and hospitals and to take action effectively for the benefit of the people. Therefore, the security forces have been maintaining the universities and hospitals in various places and, depending on the situation while clearing the havoc placed by protesters in the neighbourhoods, riot control agents and tear gas were used as necessary to disperse the crowd and detain the leaders of the riot. A total of 39 men and 2 women were detained in Sangyaung, Ahlon, Mayangon, Kyauktada, Insein, Thakayta, Dagon Myothit (North), Taikkyi an Thanlyin townships in Yangon Region; Patheingyi, Myingyan, Yamethin and NyaungU townships in Mandalay Region; Magway and Yenangyoung townships in Magway Region; Pathein and Mawlamyinegyun townships in Ayeyawady Region; Myeik and Pulaw townships in Taninthayi Region; Loikaw township in Kayah State; Ye township in Mon State and Taunggyi and Lashio townships in Shan State. As the previous government repealed some essential security laws to undermine national security for various purposes under the human rights reason, the amendments of the fourth Ward or Village Tract Administration Law, which is needed today, was issued in 2021 on 13 February by the State Administration Council Law No. (3/2021). Therefore, security forces will effectively carry out inspection in wards and villages in accordance with the amended laws to find those who are hiding and are being prosecuted for their anti-state activities and those who need to be searched and maintained for national security. MNA #TheGlobalNewLightOfMyanmar