Terrorists carried out inhumane acts using explosive devices by capitalizing on unguarded moments of security personnel

Terrorists carried out inhumane acts using explosive devices by capitalizing on unguarded moments of security personnel

Ministry of Home Affairs/ Naypyitaw / July 27, 2024

    In order to cause injuries to both peaceable civilians and administrative authorities who are striving to restore the rule of law, extreme terrorists provide financial assistance and instigate destructive activities, such as detonating explosive devices and remote blasting, against public roads, railways, government offices and houses.
    Since they are conducting such terrorist acts, on 22 July, 2024 at 5:00 PM, security personnel received a report of an explosion near Moe Kan (West) Village in Natogyi Township of Mandalay Region. When security personnel promptly arrived at the scene for further investigation, it was discovered that U Myint Oo (aka) Ar Sha Rik (42 years old) and U Maung Zaw (aka) Moha Rik (42 years old), both residents of No. (3) Ward in Myingyan Township, were travelling in a vehicle from Mandalay City to Myingyan Town along the Natogyi-Myingyan-Yewun Road. When they arrived near Moe Kan (West) Village, an explosive device planted by a so-called PDF terrorist group exploded on the roadside. As a result, U Maung Zaw (aka) Moha Rik died on the spot, while U Myint Oo (aka) Ar Sha Rik sustained injuries from shrapnel. The deceased and injured individual were transported to Natogyi Township Public Hospital for examination and medical treatment, it is reported.
     Similarly, at 6:00 PM, security personnel received a report of a man with shrapnel injuries had arrived at Natogyi Township Public Hospital. When security personnel promptly arrived at the hospital for further investigation, it was discovered that the victim was Ko Swan Htet Ko (24 years old), a resident of No. (3) Ward in Nyaung-U Township. The incident occurred at 4:30 PM on the same day. The victim, along with U San Aung (44 years old), also a resident of No. (3) Ward in Nyaung-U Township, was travelling in a vehicle from Than Ywar Village in Kyaukse Township to Nyaung-U Town along the Myingyan-Yewun Road. When they arrived near “Shauk Taw Yoe” turn (locally known as such) between Khat Lan Village and Phat Khu Village in Natogyi Township, an explosive device planted by a so-called PDF terrorist group exploded on the roadside. As a result, Ko Swan Htet Ko sustained injuries, while U San Aung was not injured, it is reported.
    It has been reported that the security personnel are investigating the culprits of the acts of terrorism from the above incidents to take effective action in accordance with the law.

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