Innocent Civilians Including Monk, Recklessly Assassinated by So-called PDF Terrorists

Innocent Civilians Including Monk, Recklessly Assassinated by So-called PDF Terrorists

Ministry of Home Affairs/ Naypyitaw / September 19, 2024

     In some townships across States and Regions, so-called PDF terrorists motivated by a radical ideology that views “anyone with differing views is an enemy” are conducting violent assaults and assassinations. Their targets are innocent civilians who do not support their terrorist acts. Using firearms and knives, these terrorists are committing brutal assassinations after accusing them of “spies, informants or decoys”. This strategy is intended to instill fear among peaceable civilians and create a pervasive sense of dread within these communities.

     Since, they are committing such terrorist acts, on 16 September, 2024 at 10:00 AM, a report stated that a monk shot dead on the Kumal-Kintar Road between Mal Zal Pin Thar Village and Ka Swun Village in Myitthar Township of Mandalay Region. When security personnel promptly arrived at the scene for further investigation, it was discovered that the victim was a monk named Kaw Wi Da (62 years old), with three years of monkhood from the “Sein Dar Ma Yar Yar Ma” Monastery in Kha Yu Toke Village, Myitthar Township. The victim was travelling with U Min Thein (40 years old), a resident of Kha Yu Toke Village, from their village to Kumal Town along the Kumal-Kintar Road. Upon reaching the area between Mal Zal Pin Thar Village and Ka Swun Village, three so-called PDF terrorists, who were following them on two motorcycles, opened fire. As a result, the monk died on the spot. Fortunately, U Min Thein was unharmed. Additionally, the terrorists robbed U Min Thein’s Kenbo 125 motorcycle, two mobile phones, and 150,000 MMK before fleeing, it is reported.

     Similarly, at 9:15 PM, a report stated that a woman was shot dead in Mhan Kin Village, Sinpaungwe Township of Magway Region. When security personnel promptly arrived at the scene for further investigation, it was discovered that the victim was Daw Phyu Ma (45 years old), a resident of the village. While the victim was at her house, six so-called PDF terrorists arriving by three motorcycles opened fire on her. As a result, the victim died on the spot, it is reported.

     Security personnel are persistently taking necessary measures to identify and apprehend the terrorists responsible for the killings and assassinations of monk and innocent civilian in the aforementioned cases, it is reported. 

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