Myanmar National Human Rights Commission Statement No. (5/ 2024)

Myanmar National Human Rights Commission/ Yangon / June 11, 2024

   The right to education is expressed in Article 366, subsection (a) of the Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar (2008), and Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

   During visits to prisons, jails, youth detention centers, and youth training schools under Sections 43 and 44 of the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission Law, the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission (MNHRC) inspection team found that measures had been taken to exercise the right to education for prisoners and youths. Thereafter the MNHRC inspection team informed its recommendations to the relevant department, in accordance with the procedures of the MNHRC Law, to facilitate arrangements for prisoners who wish to continue their education.

   On 11 June 2024, the matriculation examination results for the 2023-2024 academic year were announced. Among the students who passed the examination, 7 were from Insein Central Prison and 16 from Mandalay Central Prison, totaling 23 inmate students. Of these, 1 inmate student obtained four distinctions, 4 inmate students obtained three distinctions, 2 inmate students obtained two distinctions and 3 inmate students obtained one distinction. Additionally, it was reported that the inmate student with four distinctions achieved the third highest score among Arts students nationwide. Furthermore, 8 students from youth training schools under the Department of Social Welfare and 2 students from the School for the Blind (Kyee Myin Taing) also passed the exam.

   The Myanmar National Human Rights Commission congratulates the prisoners in respective prisons and youths from the youth training schools who passed the 2024 matriculation examination and believes that measures will continue to pursue higher education for those who have passed their matriculation examinations to exercise the right to education.

Myanmar National Human Rights Commission
