Statement of the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission on the status of its handling of complaints and on the inspections of prisons, jails, lockups and detention centres from January to June 2024 Statement No. (8/ 2024)

Myanmar National Human Rights Commission/ Yangon / July 24, 2024

   The Myanmar National Human Rights Commission (MNHRC) is performing its primary responsibilities of promoting and protecting human rights in accordance with the duties and powers provided in Chapter 5 of the Commission Law.

   The Commission drawn up annual plans for its human rights protection works and and carrying out activities in accordance with the mandate provided in sub-section (c) of Section 22: verifying and conducting inquiries in respect of complaints and allegations of human rights violations; sub-section (d) of Section 22: visiting the scene of human rights violations and conducting inquiries, on receipt of a complaint or allegation or information; and sub-section (e) of Section 22: inspecting the scene of human rights violations and, after prior notice, prisons, jails, detention centres and public or private places of confinement.

   From January to June 2024, the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission received 135 complaints and held 25 complaint screening meetings by the complaint investigation team to examine these complaints. Of these, 31 were referred to relevant government departments and organizations for necessary actions. Additionally, in 18 cases, the complainants were advised on utilizing more appropriate remedies and other channels for their complaints, while 85 cases were put on record. One case was closed with the consent of the complainant.

   Among the 85 recorded complaints, some are still appearing before the courts, pending appeal or revision of court judgments, or have been finalized by the courts. Additionally, cases that do not conform to the nature of the complaint and some that have been processed according to the Commission's procedure are included. Since these complaints do not require further action under the MNHRC law, they are kept in an orderly manner as records.

   The Commission informed the complainants about the status of response from related Union Ministries, Union-level organizations, Nay Pyi Taw Council, and state and regional governments. Complaints are also being accepted at the Commission's branch offices in Nay Pyi Taw, Mandalay, Sittwe, and Pathein.

   The Myanmar National Human Rights Commission (MNHRC) undertakes visits and inspections of prisons and detention centers as mandated under Article 43 of the Commission Law, to ensure that persons imprisoned, detained or confined are treated humanely and in accordance with international and national human rights laws.

   From January to June 2024, the Commission Inspection Team of the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission (MNHRC) conducted inspection visits to 5 prisons, 2 jails, 7 labour camps, 12 police lockups, 13 court detention centers, 3 youth centers, and 10 homes for the aged in accordance with the Commission Law.

   From January to June 2024, during inspections of jails, prison camps, and police stations, the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission (MNHRC) met with prisoners and detainees, and inquired whether they complied with the United Nations' minimum standards for the treatment of prisoners as outlined in Article 41 of the MNHRC's legal procedures, the condition of prisoner dormitories, access to essential facilities, living conditions and food and healthcare provisions for the prisoners, and availability of drinking water. The team also checked for any instances of torture, and confirmed whether materials provided by their families were fully received while meeting with the prisoners in their dormitories. During these inspections, the team interviewed and recorded statements from a total of 33 detainees freely and privately.

   The Myanmar National Human Rights Commission carefully investigates any human rights violations while verifying complaints and inspecting prisons, labor camps, detention centers, and places of confinement. The Commission also ensures that complainants are not subjected to reprisal while sending its recommendations to the relevant Ministry.

   An individual may lodge a complaint with the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission on their own, on behalf of another person, or on behalf of a group of persons with a similar cause of complaint concerning any alleged violation of human rights contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and international human rights conventions to which Myanmar is a state party, as well as the fundamental rights of citizens provided in the Myanmar Constitution 2008. To lodge complaints or allegations of human rights violations, a written complaint addressed to the Chairman of the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission may be sent in person or by registered mail and express mail to No. (27), Pyay Road, Hlaing Township, Yangon. Complaints may also be lodged by fax or email to Fax no 01 654678, Email: protection@ and Commission’s website: It is necessary to attach a copy of the National Identification Card with the complaint.

   Since there is cooperation from the relevant government departments and organizations regarding the complaints and the obtaining due remedies for the victim of violation of human rights, if someone facing human rights violations, they can send complaints to the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission for assistance.

Myanmar National Human Rights Commission
