Bago Region Hluttaw


According to Section (161) of the Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar – 2008, Bago Region Hluttaw is composed of the following 76 representatives;

  • 56 elected representatives, each of whom represents a single township in its entirety, with each township being equally represented by two representatives, with 28 townships currently in the Region

  • 1 representative elected from the national race determined by the authorities concerned as having a population which constitutes 0. 1 percent and above of the population of the Union of the remaining national races other than those who have already obtained the respective Region or Self-Administered Area in the Region

  • 19 representatives who are the Defence Services personnel nominated by the Commander-in- Chief of the Defence Services in accord with the law for an equal number of one third of the total Region Hluttaw representatives

10 committees are established in Bago Region Hluttaw with Regional representatives for a limited time to study and submit legislation, national races affairs vested by the Constitution and other affairs if necessary. They are as follow:

  • Committee on Rule of Law and Bills

  • Committee on National Races

  • Committee on Planning, Finance and Public Accounts

  • Committee on Agriculture, Livestock, Irrigation and Land Affairs

  • Committee on Government’s Guarantees, Pledges and Undertakings Vetting

  • Committee on Advancement of Development Activities

  • Committee on Education, Health, Social Affairs and Labor Issues

  • Committee on Industry, Electricity and Transportation

  • Committee on Natural Resources, Forest and Environmental Conservation

  • Committee on Verification of Hluttaw Representatives and Hluttaw Rights

Bago Region Hluttaw’s Duties and Functions

Bago Region Hluttaw's duties and functions are as follows:

  • Electing Speaker and Deputy Speaker

  • Representation

  • Lawmaking

  • Checking and balancing the activities of executive and judicial bodies

  • Convening the sessions of Regional Hluttaw

Policies and Visions

Policies and Objectives of Bago Region Hluttaw are as follows:

  • To upgrade the process of lawmaking and Hluttaw Sessions

  • To improve the abilities of Committees and oversight processes

  • To improve representation and engagement processes

  • To improve support services to Hluttaw representatives

  • To upgrade the capabilities of the Hluttaw’s staff


Bago Region Hluttaw’s missions are as follows:

  • To perform effectively lawmaking, oversight of the activities of executive and judicial bodies, and representation of people

  • To hand over good inheritance for following Hluttaws

  • To sustain achievements so that following Hluttaws can carry on with them

  • To build up a stronger Hluttaw to ensure that it is responsive to the people's needs
