Mandalay Region Hluttaw
Mandalay Region Hluttaw
1. The policies of the Regional Hluttaw are as follows:
- to enact the laws in line with the current period and political system giving priority to the people who are the original proprietor of the three branches of power, and
- to perform the task of legislation in accord with the constitution irrespective of race, region and ism.
2. The aims of the Regional Hluttaw are as follows:
- to bring about rule of law, stability and peace,
- to bring about freedom, equality, and justice,
- to upgrade the capabilities of the Members of Parliament and the Staff of the Regional Hluttaw Office, and
- to collaborate with regional bodies.
3. The functions of the Regional Hluttaw are as follows:
- to enact the laws that fully protect the people, rebuke and amend the outdated laws, and draft the new ones,
- to persuade the executive and judicial bodies to work on the people’s voice, the people’s desire and the people’s expectations in the form of proposals and questions,
- to form committees and commissions to make crucial decisions relating to matters on the regional taxation, planning and finance,
- to upload the activities of the regional hluttaw on the website for public awareness,
- to apply the Information Technology in the process of e-Government,
- to take an effective part in the public budget administration development plan through the Regional Hluttaw’s local planning, budget and finance committee,
- to build up the e-Library to provide services through the Information Technology required in carrying out parliamentary proceedings,
- to carry out matters on the development of the capabilities of the Staff of the Regional Hluttaw Office, and
- to provide better services to the Members of Parliament.
4. The objectives of the Regional Hluttaw are as follows:
- to enact in accord with the constitution the laws which are relevant to the current period and political system,
- to oversight the uprightness of the executive and the judicial bodies,
- to implement the desires of the people,
- to make the crucial decisions relating to the matters on taxation, local planning and finance, and
- to provide necessary services to the Members of Parliament by the Staff of the Hluttaw Office.