Services rendered by Public Health Department, Yangon City Development Committee

Services rendered by Public Health Department, Yangon City Development Committee

Yangon City Development Committee / April 19, 2018

Services being served by Health Department

1. Issuing health certificate

Health Certificate issued by Health Department, Yangon City Development Committee after inspecting the restaurants, businesses, guest houses and hostels in the area of Yangon City Development Committee. Service fee is paid to the health personnel in the office of the head of YCDC township administration concerned and have to be paid to the committee.

2. Laboratory test

  1. Laboratory test is done for water bacteriology and water chemistry in Health Department
    Form is filled up in Health Department Head Office and paid test fee of Ks.2000/- (two thousand Kyats only) to laboratory test of bacteriology. It is to take sterile bottle from laboratory, fill water and send to laboratory within two hours. If unable to send within two hours, it should be sent sample bottle in icebox. Laboratory result comes out in 3 days.
    Laboratory test for water chemistry - Form is filled up in Health Department Head Office and paid test fee of Ks.2000/- (two thousand Kyats only) for laboratory test of water chemistry. Sample water should be filled in the 2-gallon plastic bucket and sent to laboratory. Laboratory result comes out in 7 days.
    It shall be paid total of Ks.4000/- (four thousand Kyats only) for laboratory test of water.
  2. Testing nasal swab
    Nasal swab from the food handlers is tested whether it is free from bacteria causing food poisons or not. It can be tested paying test fee of Ks.1900/- (one thousand and nine hundred Kyats only) per person to the Health Department. Laboratory result comes out in 7 days.

  3. Laboratory test of food whether it is edible or not

The food being sold in Yangon City can be tested in laboratory whether it is edible or not. It is to fill up form in the laboratory of Health Department and pay Ks.3000/- (three thousand Kyats only) for laboratory test. The food to be tested shall be kept into the plastic bag and sent within two hours to laboratory. Laboratory result comes out in 5 days.

  1. Laboratory test for quality of edible oil
    Variety of oil (peanut oil, sesame oil, palm oil, Soybean oil, sunflower oil) being sold in warehouse and markets, variety of oil produced in factory, variety of oil distributed by wholesale centers, oil used in restaurants and the oil used for repeated deep frying, are tested in the laboratory of Health Department using GC (Gas Chromatography) for type and quality of oil and edible or not. It is to pay Ks.30000/- (thirty thousand Kyats only) as laboratory test and Ks.500/- (five hundred Kyats only) as certificate fee; total of Ks.30500/- (thirty thousand and five hundred Kyats only). Testing need one liter of oil and laboratory result comes out in 7 days.

  2. Testing for food dye
    Food and beverage factories, retail and wholesale, markets, restaurants and products of food production (i.e – beverage, sauces, chillies, pastes, dry prawns, ice-creams, ice-lollys, bamboo shoots, meat sticks, pickled fishs, pickled prawns, pickled tea leaves and various snack) are being performed to test with TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography) whether it has non-permitted color or not. It has to pay Ks.10000/- (ten thousand Kyats only) for laboratory test, Ks.500/- (five hundred Kyats only) for certificate, total of Ks.10500/- (ten thousand and five hundred Kyats only) and the (¼ of viss) of sample have to send for testing. The result will have within 7 days.

  3. Test for lead poisoning
    The employees from some businesses that may have lead poison (for example – battery services, spraying services, cosmetics and chemical shops) can be screened for lead poisoning by testing their urine. Test fee of Ks.3700/- (three thousand and seven hundred Kyats only) and laboratory result comes out in 5 days.

  4. VDRL test for trishaw man
    Having tested the blood sample whether they have infection or not, health testing to trishaw man for making new license, transfer to central VDRL treatment center to care the person who has infection. It has to pay Ks.600/- (six hundred Kyats only) for testing fee and the result comes out within 3 days.

  5. Pesticides residuces and Aflatoxin testing
    Pesticides residuces and Aflatoxin testing are under processing.

  6. Testing dissolved ions in water
    The compositions of ions in variety of water can test how much dissolved in it using Spectro Direct. The testing fees for each ions are Kyats 3000/- (three thousand Kyats only) for Copper, Kyats 2500/- (two thousand and five hundred Kyats only) for Chloride, Kyats 3000/- (three thousand Kyats only) for Aluminium, Kyats 3000/- (three thousand Kyats only) for Phosphate (Low), Kyats 3500/- (three thousand and five hundred Kyats only) for Phosphate (High), Kyats 2500/- (two thousand and five hundred Kyats only) for Zinc, Kyats 2000/- (two thousand Kyats only) for Alkalinity, Kyats 3000/- (three thousand Kyats only) for Boron, Kyats 4000/- (four thousand Kyats only) for Manganese, Kyats 3000/- (three thousand Kyats only) for Potassium, Kyats 3000/- (three thousand Kyats only) for ion, Total Kyats 32500/- (thirty-two thousand and five hundred kyats only). Sample water should be filled in the 2 gallon plastic bucket and send to laboratory. The result comes out in 7 days.

  7. Testing toxic element in drinking water
    The amount of toxic elements which dissolved in drinking water such as Arsenic, Cadmium and Lead are able to test using Atomic Absorption Spectrophoto Meter (AAS). Testing fees are respectively for them. They are Kyats 65000/- (sixty five thousand Kyats only) for Arsenic, Kyats 5500/- (five thousand and five hundred Kyats only) for Cadmium and Kyats 5000/- (five thousand Kyats only) for Lead. The water sample should be filled in 2 gallon plastic bucket and sent it to laboratory. The results comes out in 10 days.


Service fees to be paid for health certificates
Service fee for restaurant

Sr. No

Business Licence fee

Service fees (Kyats)


Up to 50000/-



50000/- to 150000/-



150000/- and above



Service fees for Health hazardous businesses

Sr. No

Business Licence fee

Service fees (Kyats)


Up to 50000/-



50000/- to 150000/-



150000/- to 300000/-



300000/- to 700000/-



700000/- and above



Services fees for new businesses licence
(Basic rate fixed upon the invested amount)
Service fees for restaurant

Sr. No

Invested amount

Service fees (Kyats)


Under 15 lakh



15 lakh to 100 lakh



100 lakh and above



Service fees for Health hazardous businesses

Sr. No

Invested amount

Service fees (Kyats)


Under 15 lakh



15 lakh to 75 lakh



75 lakh to 200 lakh



200 lakh to 400 lakh



400 lakh and above



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