Services rendered by the Veterinary & Production Department, Yangon City Development Committee

Services rendered by the Veterinary & Production Department, Yangon City Development Committee

Services rendered by the Veterinary & Production Department, Yangon City Development Committee

Yangon City Development Committee / April 19, 2018

The Public Services of Veterinary & Slaughter Houses Department

  1. Application of sale license of meat and fishes. (Only in bazaars)
  2. Application of wholesale license of fishes, prawns and aquatic products. (Only in fish wholesale markets)
  3. Application of live poultry sale license. (Only in Live poultry markets)
  4. Application of meat production license (poultry) in poultry sale markets and exceptional places.
  5. Application of meat production license (cattle, sheep, goat and pig) only in determinate slaughter houses. (It will annually announce in newspaper before the starting of related budget year.)
  6. Application of meat production license (cattle, and pig) in township for local distribution. (It will annually announce in newspaper before the starting of related budget year.)
  7. Application of livestock breeding license to breed buffalo, cattle, horse, sheep, goat, pig and poultry as in one's own capacity or as business in townships where the livestock breeding are allowed.
  8. Application of pet fishes and animals sale license.
  9. Registration of pets (dogs and cats).
  10. Vaccination and curation the pets at veterinary clinics which are committee owned.
  11. Elimination of stray dogs, rats and crows with service charge in private business areas.


In the City boundary, the Townships where the livestock breeding are allowed whether as in one's own capacity or as business either to be consumed or to be set to labour or to be used otherwise are as follow-

  1. Dagon New Township (East)
  2. Dagon New Township (North)
  3. Dagon New Township (South)
  4. Dagon New Township (Seik Kan)
  5. Dhala Township
  6. Seik Kyi, Kha Naung To Township
  7. North Okkalapa Township
  8. Min Ga Lar Done Township
  9. Insein Township
  10. Hlaing Tha Yar Township
  11. Shwe Pyi Thar Township

In the City boundary, the Townships where the livestock breeding are not allowed whether as in one's own capacity or as business either to be consumed or to be set to labour or to be used otherwise are as follow-

  1. Lan Ma Taw Township
  2. Latha Township
  3. Pa Be Dan Township
  4. Kyauk Ta Da Township
  5. Bo Ta Htaung Township
  6. Pa Zun Taung Township
  7. Dagon Township
  8. Seikkan Township
  9. Mingalar Taung Nyunt Township
  10. Kyi Myin Dine Township
  11. San Gyaung Township
  12. Ahlone Township
  13. Bahan Township
  14. Yan Kin Township
  15. Tamwe Township
  16. Ka Mar Yut Township
  17. South Okkalapa Township
  18. Hlaing Township
  19. Ma Yan Gone Township
  20. Thin Gan Gyun Township
  21. Tha Ke Ta Township
  22. Dawpone Township


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