Students enrollment for Co-operative Universities and Colleges

Students enrollment for Co-operative Universities and Colleges

Students enrollment for Co-operative Universities and Colleges

Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation / April 12, 2018

We are asking to join Co-operative Universities and colleges for those who have passed matriculation exam in 2019.

Basic requirements for admission

  1. Applicants for admission to Co-operative University  ( Thanlyin and Sagaing ) must have total marks of 385 and above and must have passed matriculation exam with any subjects.
  2. Applicants to  Co-operative College ( Phaunggyi and Mandalay) are eligible to have total marks of 350 and above and have passed matriculation exam with any subjects.

Service Fees

Students who are permitted to attend the course have to pay application fees and others as follows:

  1. Enrolled fees for first year                            100 kyats
  2. Registration fees for first year                     100 kyats
  3. Tuition fees                                                    6000 kyats
  4. Sports fees                                                     100 kyats
  5. Laboratory fees                                             3600 kyats
  6. Exam fees                                                       600 kyats
  7. Library fees                                                    600 kyats

Required documents

A registration form must be accompanied by

  1. A copy of completion matriculation exam (or) certificate for matriculation exam passed (original)
  2. Matriculation scores (original)
  3. A recent photo

Procedures for Admission

(a) Applicants who apply for admission to Co-operative Universities and Colleges have buy  and apply the application forms from respective Region/ State/ Township Cooperative Departments, Co-operative Universities and Colleges, and Director General Office, Cooperative Department and they can apply for admission.

(b) Applicants have to send the application forms attached with the required documents to Office No.(16), Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation, Cooperative Department, Director General Office, Education and Information Section ,Naypyidaw and Co-operative Universities and Colleges by 30 August, 2019.

Contact Address

(a) Naypyidaw

 - Office No. (16), Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation, Cooperative Department, Director General Office

(b) Yangon

- Co-operative University, Thanlyin which is located on Kyaikhauk Pagoda Road, Thanlyin, Yangon Region.

- Co-operative College, Phaunggyiwhich is located near Civil Service Academy (Lower Myanmar), 22 miles away from Northern Hlegu, Yangon Region.

(c) Sagaing

- Co-operative University, Sagaing which  is located beside Sagaing-Monywa Road, YwaHtaungYatt, Sagaing Region.

(d) Mandalay

- Co-operative College, Mandalaywhich is located on the way to Mandalay Technological University, at the base of Yankin Hill, Patheingyi Township, Mandalay Region.

Locations Available forServices

(a) Naypyidaw

- Education and Information Section, Director General Office, Cooperative Department

(b) Yangon

- Co-operativeUniversity, Thanlyin.

- Co-operativeCollege, Phaunggyi.

(c) Sagaing

- Co-operative University, Sagaing.

(d) Mandalay

- Co-operative College, Mandalay.


(a) Naypyidaw

- Education and Information Section, Director General Office, Cooperative Department

067 - 410343,

(b) Yangon

- Co-operative University, Thanlyin. 056 - 23256,

- Co-operative College, Phaunggyi).01 - 626074,

 (c) Sagaing

- Co-operative University, Sagaing. 072 - 23015,

(d) Mandalay

- Co-operative College ,Mandalay.  02 - 57196,

Website Address

- Nil

March 14,

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