Ministry of Ethnic Affairs

With making an ambitious effort into ethnic unity in democratization era, The Union Parliament enacted the Ethnic Rights Protection Law, and the new government that was formed on 30 March 2016 established Ministry of Ethnic Affairs for the Republic of the Union of Myanmar as well. The Ministry of Ethnic Affairs was organized in accordance with the agreement of the cabinet meeting (6/2016) and it comprises the Union Minister’s Office, the Department of Ethnical Literature and Culture and the Department of Ethnic Rights.


  • To obtain the rights of the national races in the constitution and equal citizen’s rights for all ethnic groups
  • To enhance solidarity, mutual amity and respect and mutual assistance among ethnic groups and to live eternally together on the basic of genuine union spirit
  • To preserve and develop ethnic’s historical heritage, national characters, customs, culture, fine art, literature and languages
  • To promote socioeconomic development including education, health , economy, transportation and communication, so forth, of less-developed ethnic groups


  • To strengthen genuine union spirit and promote on the development of ethnic’s socioeconomic activities by protection of ethnic rights and preserving of their literature and culture
  • Mission
  • To promote solidarity, mutual amity and respect, mutual assistance as such Union spirit among ethnic groups
  • To fully obtain the rights prescribed in the Ethnic Right Protection Laws
  • To preserve and develop language, literature, history, fine art, culture heritages and customs
  • To create flexible environment for preserving the ethnic groups original characters
  • To promote socioeconomic development including education, health, economy, transportation and communication in ethnic groups areas

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